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Demons in the Talmud

Hosted By: My Jewish Learning

The Talmud is filled with stories about demons, and laws that regulate how humans and demons should interact. But what are all those demons even doing in the Talmud?

Join My Jewish Learning and Dr. Sara Ronis to explore the wacky, the weird, and the demonic to understand how the Babylonian Rabbis thought about demons as part of their broader intellectual project.

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The Eichmann Trial

With the capture of a Nazi officer, discussion about the Holocaust entered the public realm.

Hannah Arendt and the Eichmann Trial

On Monday, Deborah Lipstadt wrote about eerie anniversaries. She is the author of the new book The Eichmann Trial. I ...

Nazi War Crimes Trials

The Nuremberg trials were the best known, but hardly the only efforts to hold perpetrators accountable.